Monday, March 30, 2009

I Heart BLogs

I love the blog craze that is sweeping the country and especially the culture we live in. Where else could you post pictures of your perfect life and family when things are quite the opposite. I'm glad everybody posts about how much they love their spouse and children. It's to bad nobody really blogs about the truth. If i ever have a real blog you can bet your boots i'll be writing about fights me and Ash have and great stories. Because nobody really cares about 500 pictures of your children or your 300 lake powell trips. Not as much as you do that is. I'd really like to do a blog but i just can't think of anything interesting to write about that anybody would take a few moments out of their busy life and day to read. I really can't. Track my weight loss, track my home improvement, track my poop schedule, track my anorexia, follow my progress, track my school assignments so i can tell everybody just what a sterling scholar I am. The internet has really opened up the world for vanity and narcissim to levels never before seen or heard of. So this will be the blog of all the bad stuff that happens. The truth about things and not just the sugar coated "blog spot" world that we have all become a part of. I am an auctioneer who got through school with no effort and thinks it was all a joke and has a degree that sits in a box. My wife is a smart gal who works for wells fargo and hates it most of the time because she works with SFBs. That's our life.